Wednesday 22 July 2015

Love Your Man? Then Stop Making These Statements

I believe the guys can't deny the fact that they detest some of these statements so much whenever they hear it from their babes of female friends. Some of these statements (when frequently used in a relationship) may lead to breakup or serious fight between couples.

CHOLESTEROL Is Harmful To Your Health & These Foods Are The Causes.

Increased cholesterol levels is one of the many health hazards that is wreaking havoc in people’s lives cutting across continents and geographical barriers. High cholesterol levels or hypercholesterolemia as it’s medically termed, has turned out to be a life threatening disorder.

Her Birthday Is Special. Don't Give Her These Gifts

These are the gifts you should never buy a woman on her birthday (except she asks for them specifically). They are thoughtless and not the kind of gift any woman would appreciate.